Knee and Orthopedic

Physical Therapy 


"Empowering Sedentary Warriors: PT Rex Guides You to Stronger Knees and Limitless Mobility"

PT Rex引領您擁有強壯的膝蓋和無限的活動力

Treatments for every steps of your journey in English and 中文.

One on One Coaching

1-1 教學

Online Consulting


Online Courses


Please feel free to ask.

During the consultation, we can discuss your unique situation, explore potential solutions, and provide you with valuable insights and recommendations.

Free Consultation

Let me know how can I help you.

Hi, I'm PT Rex, and I specialize in helping patients recover from knee pain and regain their health, allowing them to return to the activities they love. From sedentary warriors to individuals with strong and healthy knees, I'm dedicated to guiding you on your journey towards enjoying sports and an active lifestyle once again. 


"Before I met Dr.Chen, I was constantly dealing with sever lower back pain that limited my daily activities. From the very beginning, Dr. Chen impressed me with his expertise and kindness. He took the time to understand my condition and explain the root causes of my pain. His treatment plan was tailored to my specific needs that included dry needle therapy and exercise. Under his guidance, I saw incredible progress."


"I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my physical therapist. When I started therapy with Dr. Chen, I was in significant pain and couldn't move my knee properly. It was affecting my daily life, and I was worried about the future. However, Dr. Chen quickly put me at ease. He assessed my condition throughly and created a personalized treatment plan just for me. His expertise and hands-on approach made all the difference. I highly recommend Dr. Chen to anyone in need of excellent physical therapy. His professionalism, compassion, and commitment to his patients are outstanding. I am immensely grateful for his role in my recovery."


"Rex is truly an amazing physical therapist! He was able to help me resolve my acute knee pain and the swelling issue. Because of him, I am able to resume my daily activities. Rex paid special attention to my symptoms and what I was telling him. He assessed my problem accurately, and his personalized treatment plan was effective. He provided clear and concise instructions when I worked with him, and I saw improvements after each session. I have nothing but heartfelt gratitude for his kindness, caring attitude, and genuine concern for my health and well being. I would recommend any friend and family member who needs physical therapy to be treated by him!"


Action Stops Pain

We are not only care about your injury but your life.


50% Complete

Two Step

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